Physical Security Equipment Recommendations
- Locks and door hardware - Interchangeable core, crash bar hardware
- Lighting - Exterior photometric
- Fencing and other barriers
- Safes, Drop box and electronic money safes
Electronic Security Equipment Recommendations
- Burglar & Fire protection
- CCTV - digital recorders, remote access
- EAS - Article surveillance
- Remote Management Systems
Pos Systems Equipment Recommendations
- Cash registers and point of sale systems.
- Sales and inventory reports and exception based reporting
- Cash scales and counterfeit detection
Procedures and Policies
- Cash Control
- HR policies - Employee rules and disciplinary action procedures
- Background investigations policy
- Security Policies
- Shipping and Receiving procedures
- Inventory controls policies and procedures
Problem Solving
- Crime loss investigation guidance
- Liaison with local police guidance
- Disaster planning
- Emergency procedures
- Crisis response
- Integrity shopping services
- Audits - Internal
Safety Programs
- Loss run analysis
- Workers Comp. and Customer Claims Management programs
- Awareness programs
- Hazard identification programs -Workers Compensation and General Liability